Monday, September 26, 2011

Documenting Life, Week 5: The Park

Drake LOVES anything that has to do with the outdoors!!! He loves to play outside on his swing that his daddy, Poppa Mike, and Uncle CoCo built him, and every once in a while, we like to go to the park. This particular day was absolutely beautiful outside. He had SO much fun, and is getting big enough to climb on everything!

(Don't forget to visit Jenny's Blog:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Documenting Life, Week 4- Helping in the Kitchen

This week's challenge was our little one helping in the kitchen. Well, I could have made about a 100 pictures for this week! Drake LOVES to help in the kitchen. If I'm even in the kitchen, I always have a shadow!! More than actually "helping," he just really likes to drag out the pots and pans and make his own "soup" as I call it.

Since most of the meals include hot things, and the stove that he can't help with just yet, I let him help me make brownies a couple weeks ago. He had SO much fun! The bad thing is that mommy loves brownie mix also, so not much batter actually made it in the pan!! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Document Life, Week 3: Fresh Out of Bed

This weeks challenge was to capture Drake as soon as he gets up. Well, since he's now in his toddler bed, I rarely get to wake him up! He usually gets up on his own, so making him get back in bed to take pictures was a little struggle, but still managed to get a few cute ones!! Oh, and you've got to love the "no shirt, crusty nose look!!"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Drake turns 20 Months!!!!

Well, Friday marked Drake's 20 month birthday!!!! Up until this point, when someone had asked how old Drake was, I would say 15 months, 18 months, etc. But, when Drake turned 20 months, it just sounded weird to say 20 months. So, I've decided until the day of his 2nd birthday, I'll just tell people Drake is 1 1/2 years old!! :) That makes me feel a lot better also!! I'm not ready for him to be 2!! I was okay with one, but for some reason 2 is getting to me!!

Anyways, let's get on to the fun things that has happened this month!!


WOW!!! How fast you are growing! You are doing SO much and talking, talking, talking!! You will repeat anything we ask you to say!! Which can be a lot of fun sometimes, like asking you to say "helicopter" or "shark." You try your hardest to say it, and I have to admit, it's a pretty cute version of the word! Mrs. Sandra told me the other day that she blew her nose, and you told her "bless you!" She thought that was so cute!!

Some new words lately, and even some new multiple words/phrases: bless you, thank you, welcome, all done, wash, thank you momma, chloe sit, outside, big boy, my man, and almost anything we ask you to say! :)

But, my favorite phrase that you say right now is: Happy Birthday daddy!!! We have had a lot of birthdays the last month, and Co-Co's was first, so that's when you learned to say happy birthday. Then, daddy's birthday was next, so we accomplished "happy birthday daddy." Although, the day of daddy's birthday, you wouldn't say it to him!! :) Next came Gi-gi's birthday, and that was a little harder to say, it was kind of all jumbled together!! But, she love

d it nonetheless!! Next week is mommy's birthday, so I really hope you and daddy have been working on "happy birthday mommy!!" That will just MELT my heart! :)

You also transitioned into a big boy bed!!!! Well, it's just a toddler bed, but it's a big bed to mommy!! :) Mommy wasn't sure about how this would work out, but daddy reassured me that you would do great!! And, you did!! You slept all night your first night, and didn't even get up once!! Since then, you still are doing great at staying in bed, although you have decided to get up VERY early!!! We'll be working on that!! :)

Helping daddy put together the toddler bed!!

Hanging out with daddy at the zoo!
We LOVED the elephants!!! And, especially the baby elephant!!

Mommy and Drake at the zoo!!

You got to visit the OKC Zoo for the first time!! You had SO SO much fun!!! It was such a nice day, and the zoo wasn't very busy, so you were able to get really close to the cages and windows to see everything!! And, for being so good, mommy and daddy bought you your own stuffed rhino!! :)

You finished up summer by swimming in daddy's redneck pool (a.k.a. an ice chest). You had SO much fun and played and played in the water!! It's getting a little cool for water days now, which makes mommy sad, because you had SO much fun this summer in the water!

Mommy and daddy have always prayed with you at night, but lately, you have wanted to pray, and have gotten used to doing this before bedtime. You like to sit on daddy's lap while holding mommy's hand. Then daddy prays over you, and when he's finished, you say "Amen." It is the absolute cutest thing in the world!!! That at such a young age, you are already praying and knowing who Jesus is!!!

You are growing SO much everyday and I can't wait to see what this month holds!!

Love you SO SO much~~~~


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Documenting Life, Week 2: Favorite Book

This week our Documenting Life Challenge was to find our child's favorite book. Drake's life, books are a daily thing! Drake LOVES, LOVES, LOVES books!!! Ever since he was big enough to pick one up, he has had one in his hand. He loves to read them to daddy and I, which we LOVE to hear Drake's stories in baby jibberish! So, on this particular day that I was going to take pictures, I asked Drake to go get his "favorite" book!! And, he didn't just bring me one, he brought three! So we sat and read them, took pictures, and of course, played!!

Don't forget to visit Jenny Collier's blog:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Documenting Life Challenge

A favorite photographer of mine has set up a new challenge on her blog! And, I am SO excited about it! I started this blog to start documenting Drake's life,
month by month, to eventually put into a book that he can look at when he's older. This challege from Jenny Collier, is to document a picture, and blog about it each week!! So excited for the challenge, and to take new pictures of Drake!

Week 1: Document your family's favorite summer activity.

We have done SO many fun things this summer, but this one probably has to be our favorite!! Just playing outside!! Last summer, Drake was really too small to enjoy being outside, so we stayed indoors most of the summer. This summer, Drake learned early on how fun it was to be outside! Michael, my dad, and brother built Drake his first HUGE swing
set, and he's been an outdoor boy ever since! He loves to be outside anytime his daddy is!

On this particular day, Michael was cleaning out
the garage when we came home. Drake got out of the car, and went straight to Michael to start "helping" him clean the garage. Soon, he found this ice chest and started playing with it. Then, before I knew it, Michael let him have the water hose, and there you have it....a swimming pool...just Drake's size!!

If you would like to join this challenge, visit Jenny's blog!