You were SO excited to sit in the living room with daddy to watch the big game!!!
Happy 23 months Drake!!!!
I have to admit that I have tears in my eyes as I'm writing this!!! This is your last monthly blog before you turn TWO!!!! Yes, two years have FLOWN by already!!! I cannot believe how fast it is going!!! As much fun as we're having, it's going way too fast!!!
This month has been quite the month!! You are starting to not only put sentences together, but almost carry on a normal conversation!! :) You love choosing things, like colors, clothes, food, etc. You also LOVE to find things that are red, green, and even blue because you love naming the colors! When driving in the car, you love to point out things such as the birds, towers, tractors, hay, and LOTS more!!! Mommy and daddy are always having to look around to see what you are pointing at! :)
We celebrated Thanksgiving this month, and you really enjoyed it! We went to Gigi and Poppa's house and ate lunch. You only lasted about 30 minutes of lunch, then were ready for a nap!! After a good nap, Poppa, Daddy, and you went on a four-wheeler ride!! You loved playing on the four-wheelers! After a fun afternoon, we headed to Nana's house for a yummy dinner, and play time with Nana's puppy, Maxwell, and playing with Nana's Christmas trees!
We also had a BIG scare this month!!! When mommy and you were walking in to church on November 13th, the wind was blowing very, very hard. You love to hold mommy's hand and walk into church, but when you came into the door of the church, you turned around to point to something, and the wind caught the door, and slammed down on your ring finger on your right hand. You immediately started crying and mommy took you to the nursery to see how bad it was. Thankfully daddy came very quickly and we got in Poppa's truck and rushed you to the emergency room. The nurses and Dr. Robison were very, very nice and fixed your finger. You did have to have surgery, and 13 stitches. But, you did amazing and were such a strong and brave little boy!!! It is still healing and we have to keep a band-aide on it at all times. But, you have adjusted very well, and don't seem to mind the band-aide at all.
You also changed babysitters this month. Mrs. Pam decided not to watch kids anymore, which was a blessing in disquise, because you were able to go to Mrs. Kara's house!! Mrs. Kara is so, so nice, and just loves you so much!! You are also able to see Hadley Jo everyday and you love that!! Mommy and Daddy are SO happy that Jesus brought Mrs. Kara to you and to us!! She is definitely a blessing to our lives!!
After Thanksgiving, we visited the Christmas Train at Dry Gulch!! You LOVED the train!!! We rode the train, rode the carousel, the pony's, the elf train, and even had cookies!!! You could have sat and watched the train all night!!
This next month will be filled with lots of Christmas activities!! We can't wait to spend your second Christmas with you!!! And, then start planning your birthday party!!!
Mommy and Daddy love you SO, SO much!!! We are having SO much fun watching you grow up and become a sweet, handsome little man!! We can't wait to see what this next month holds and we are so blessed that we get to be your parents!!!
Love you to the moon and back!!!
Mommy and Daddy!