This weekend you turn TWO years old!!!! Mommy cannot believe that I will be spending this entire weekend having SO much fun having a birthday party with you at Mrs. Kara's house (your babysitter), then a big birthday bash with all your friends on Saturday, then your BIG day is Sunday!!!!
I can still remember going to the hospital about this time two years ago, getting checked in, and waiting all day for you to arrive. Seeing you for the first time was one of the most amazing moments in my life! I will never forget as soon as they gave you to me, you looked at me with those big, huge eyes, and I knew, at that very moment, that God had put me on earth to be your mommy!
This past month has been very exciting!
I look at you today, and I am overwhelmed at how amazing you are! I am blown away at the amount of things that you know, understand, and already believe in! I love the way you pray every night with daddy and I, how you like to tell everyone you are "two," how you can say your entire name, although it might be jumbled! :) I love how you spell your name "D...E...E...E," I love how every evening when daddy comes home you stop whatever you are doing and run to the door to see him. I love to see you and daddy play and wrestle and "hide" from mommy all the time! I love when you wake up in the mornings, from your big boy toddler bed, and come and find me, with those sleepy eyes and bunny in your arms and of course, the binky....still! :) Even when you decide to throw fits, or tell me "no way" when you don't want to do something, I love it that you have a mind of your own, and know that you can make your own decisions, even though those decisions sometimes result in time out! :)
Mommy and daddy are already SO SO proud of you and how much of a smart, mature, little boy you are!! We cannot wait to see what this next year holds for you! We can't wait to see you grow, learn new things, and enjoy every single moment with you!!! We thank the Lord daily for letting us be your mommy and daddy! We are beyond blessed to have you in our lives!!!
We love you so, so much!