Well, tomorrow marks Drake's 19 month old birthday!!! 19 months might not seem like a long time, but I can not believe that Drake is already 19 months old!!! I was thinking of this time last year, when he wasn't even walking, not talking, and WOW - how much difference a year makes!!
You are going to be 19 months old tomorrow! You have grown SO much in the last few months!! We went for your 18 month checkup last week, and you are in the 80th percentile for your weight, 88th percentile for your height, and 50th percentile for your head!! You are such a tall little man!! You love going and seeing Dr. Alka, who is wonderful with you! You actually got to go into the "horse" room at the dr, which was just perfect, since horses are your favorite right now!
You have learned to not only walk, but RUN!! You love to run every chance you get, especially if someone just happens to put you do
wn, and even if you have no idea where you're going, just the thought of freedom excites you so much! And, the cutest thing is when you run, you wiggle from side to side!!! You little arms work so hard and you get to going so fast that you usually fall a couple times. I love to chase you around the house, because you laugh so loud and get so giggled when we chase you!
This month mommy goes back to teaching, so you will be at Mrs. Sandra's everyday again. You LOVE going to Mrs. Sandra's where all your little friends are, like Hadley (a.k.a. hadawee), Luke, Jocelyn, Charlie, and all the other ones. You definitely have Mrs. Sandra wrapped around your finger! She just loves you!! And always does what you want!! A few weeks ago, she told me that you were eating your blueberry waffle, and were sticking Reece's Peanut Butter cereal in all the holes of the waffle!! So much for mommy sending a healthy breakfast!
We discovered the splash pad that is not too far from our house! Not sure why I didn't figure it out ALL summer, but that's okay - you love it, and I'm sure we will be going back a lot before it gets too cold!
Your new favorite words are: "Oh Please," "okay," peese" (a.k.a. please), "thank you," "amen," and just about anything we ask you to say!! It's so much fun to ask you to say a new word and to hear how you pronounce it!
As far as foods go, you're kind of going through the not eating much stage again. For awhile, you would eat anything I put on your tray, but I think you're just TOO busy to stop and eat anything right now! You still eat fruit pretty well, and you still love chicken and french fries! When we go to restaurants, it's a lot of fruit, tortillas, and anything that will keep you still in your high chair for more than 10 minutes! I think you've decided that high chairs are for babies, and you just need to run around the restaurant!! :) Mommy and daddy take WAY too long at restaurants!! You usually stress mommy WAY out when at restaurants!! I'm just not used to all this energy you have yet!! :)
You are still throwing fits, and some days it seems SO much better, but I think you are understanding more that if you throw a fit, you get in trouble! So, we'll just keep working on that!! :)

This month we will celebrate Uncle Cody's birthday, great-grandma Joy's birthday, Uncle Jarrod's Birthday, and daddy's birthday!! We have a lot of celebrating to do this month!!! Can't wait for all the parties!!! As long as there are balloons and somewhere to run around, you will be happy! :)
You also baked with mommy for the first time!! We made brownies, and you LOVED it!!! You loved stirring, but once you figured out you could eat it....and you liked it....you were done with stirring!!! It was all about the chocolate!!! :)
We also went to the famous Keefton Extravaganza!!! Where Uncle Speck is a fireman!!! You loved watching everyone, and wouldn't go see Uncle Speck, which he did not like!! You loved climbing on the fire trucks, and seeing the Life Flight helicopter!!
Oh, and I almost forgot!!! Mommy's new friends, Jenny and Ashley, from Mamarazzi of Tulsa had a "cutest kid of 2011" contest - and guess who won!!!?!? YES - the famous Drake!!! :) You won with 163 votes!!! 2nd place only had 117 votes - so you rocked the contest!!! Now we get to take you to a photo shoot and mommy is SO excited!!!
I can't wait to see what fun things we get to do this month!!! You are growing more and more everyday!!! I can't wait for each morning to go and see you standing (or jumping) in your crib just waiting on me to come and get you!! And, I cherish every evening when daddy and I get to pray with you and put you to bed, and how wonderful you are laying there in your bed! I love how you run to me saying "mama!! mama!!" When I come and pick you up from Mrs. Sandra's house!! You are more than amazing and you amaze me everyday!!!
I love you to the moon and back!!!