Sunday, August 7, 2011

First Time Blogging!

Well, I never thought I would be a blogger, but here I am! :) I attended a photography workshop this weekend, and was very inspired at how one of the photographers blogs about her kids life, and writes them letters each month of their life. She says it's her way of having a baby book!! Well, I have not done a very good job at keeping a baby book, and I know most of you are surprised, because I usually keep up with everything! It made me feel really bad that I haven't kept up with it! Now taking pictures....I have about a million pictures of Drake's life, but writing things down is another story!

So, my journey begins!! I want this blog to be for Drake, so that one day he can read it and know what went on in his life when he was 18 months old, and what happened as he grew up! :)

Can't wait to see how this will all work out!! :)

So, let's just start on today:


You are 18 months old this month!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone!!

You are walking/running everywhere!!! You have just started saying everything we ask you to. So, we love to say "Drake, say horse." "Drake, say daddy." "Drake, say papa." It's so much fun to hear the way that you pronounce words, and how you love saying your new word over and over again! Some of your favorite words right now are: horse, wa-wa (water), dada, papa, gigi, nana, coco (cody), tweat (treat for the dog), ruff-ruff, cwoe (chloe the dog), binky, bunny, whoa, thank you, thanks, ball, bye, brush (when you want to brush your teeth), what's that?, and almost anything we'll ask you to say! :)

You are becoming more independent everyday! You are just starting to want to walk by yourself, and you are learning that you have to hold mommy or daddy's hand if you want to walk somewhere or we have to hold you!

You are learning to throw great fits! When something doesn't go your way, you like to throw your binky, and scream! And, mommy and daddy are learning how to deal with the fits! Time out has become a good friend at our house! But, you're still learning and growing, and hopefully growing OUT of throwing fits quickly! :)

This month you visited Florida, the beach, and the ocean for the first time. We went there not only for vacation, but for your cousin Sarah's wedding. We had so much fun taking you to the beach, letting you play in the sand, and letting you explore the water. You woke up every morning in the beach house, and looked outside and said "Whoa, wa-wa!!!" We had such a great time, and you traveled SO well, even though you didn't sleep much in the 12 hour travel there and 12 hour travel back, but you were such a great traveler!!

This month has also been filled with lots of mommy time!! I'm off for summer vacation, so we have to go have lots of lunches with friends, go swimming a lot, and just hang out, playing at the house! I thought you would be tired of all the mommy time, but when it's time to go back to Sandra's house, you cling on to me, and cry when I leave you!

Can't wait to see what next month will be like!! You are changing so much everyday and your daddy and I are having SO much fun being your mommy and daddy!! :)

Love you so much~~~

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